
By dp


A poor night's sleep after a very dicky tummy all yesterday - had to take an enforced day off work and day in bed. Much better today.

Mr DHL man kindly woke me up at 10am, but he did have this with him - a new piece of art to go in the bedroom once decorated. We've wanted something for ages, and finally saw this on the website of dot art in Liverpool. Snow beat our plan to go and see it in person, so we took a punt and bought it unseen. So glad we did - it's amazing. Entitled "A Moment On The Mersey" - it's like our own little master. Can't stop looking at it.

That was the positive note today. I've just been to the Disaster's Emergency Committee website to donate and balance the karma slightly - it's just horrific what's happened in Haiti. Always the poorest who suffer the most. Dodgy tummys and thawing snow are just trivial moans compared to that...

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