
By cracker

Christmas Spider

We had a lovely time at our friend's house last night, beautiful dinner and playing games, no star gazing though as the sky was cloudy. They have a holiday house that they built themselves with mud bricks 30 years ago. It is a fantastic house. Outside they have a little vegie garden where they are growing a few things. We were outside looking at it this morning and I saw some weird looking spiders in webs there.

Today has been raining mostly so no surfing. Spencer is having a sleep and Mum is working so no baby sitters! Still have another night down here before having to go back home tomorrow afternoon ready for work on Tuesday.

I used the 'super macro' setting on my camera and took some photos of the spiders. I had to Google them when i got home and found that they are Christmas or Jewel spiders (Austracantha Minax) and are a distinctive Australian spider. I have cropped them in Photoshop to try to increase the size.

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