
Cherry lips.
Lovely jubbly.
Perhaps shouldn't keep the sweet shop sized jar of them, that I purchased recently, right by my computer. Keep just reaching in and stuffing a handful into my mouth.
They are lovely though :-)

Have realised tonight that about 20 of our students are tantalisingly close to scoring an additional qualification, but they might need a bit of additional time to get it secure. So, guess which idiot is contemplating having them in school for a day in half term?!

It's not like I have a wedding to get organised really - another week has gone by and I have done nothing in terms of the big day. Not stressed though. Just a slight niggling panic at the back of my mind. However, work takes priority right it'll just have to all get squeezed into the 4 days of half term week that I don't go into school!

OK, seeing as I have barely spoken to Corin this evening (home at 7pm, straight upstairs - "No love, I'm not doing any work tonight". 3 hours later (almost) and 12 pieces of coursework marked and I'm now sat here blipping!), it is time I went and said hello!

Take care everyone.

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