Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

I'm a fire and I'll burn, burn, burn tonight.

Had a good day yesterday. I made dairy free chocolate cookies, they're very tasty but the realisation only struck me after they were in the oven, dairy free means you can't wash them down with a big glass of milk.

I then headed out to Holyrood Park for a fire spin. It was lots of fun, my friend K joined me and we got some nice photos whilst I tried to figure out the shutter priority settings on my camera. It was so cold though that my lighters wouldn't work and finger dexterity was reduced to the stage that I took a heavy fire staff to the face. Soon after we decided that maybe we should head to the pub instead.

Face is tender and sore but my flat smells of fire again so I'm very happy, it's been way too long since I last had a good play!

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