Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A dozen roses from my love.

It would appear The Boy can take a hint.

I popped in to his work after my meeting on Sunday and I noticed a sign in the office encouraging people to send Valentine's cards to each other. After joking about how if even I don't get a Valentine's card he better hadn't be sending any to the ladies in his office the subject of how we don't do Valentine's day came up. Apparently I hate Valentine's day. Whilst yes, vaguely true, I happened to mention how any girl might say she hates Valentine's day but secretly she'd love to get a beautiful boquet of roses or some chocolates.

When we went to Asda last night and I was disenamored with the lousy selection of flowers they had, The Boy suggested as I'd be in Meadow bank at the weekend maybe I could get some from Sainsburys. Fair enough I thought, and off we went. I'd really wanted flowers to make the house look nice when his mum arrived and so I suggested that whilst he went to meet her, I might nip up the road and see what the florist had, again I was fobbed off with how we'd go later, they might get back and I'd be out etc. Slightly annoyed as he OBVIOUSLY didn't want me having flowers given the fact the florist is two minutes away, I put it out of my mind.

As he left for work today he buzzed up to let me know there was a delivery on it's way up the stairs. I've had flatmates have flowers delivered before so I recognise a serenata flowers box when I see it even if I don't have my glasses on, but this one looked huge.

With a smile on my face and love in my heart I opened it up. He'd only gone and ordered me a beautiful hand tied boquet of a dozen red roses. They are stunningly beautiful and even though it took a hint as subtle as a brick to the face, it still filled me with happiness.

Backblipped to Monday

Oh and I successfully baked non-dairy chocolate "cheesecake" today!

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