All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


My sister-in-law Sarah came over to visit today, with her 7 month old daughter Millie. Ethan & Millie last met a month ago and didn't really pay much attention to each other. However, he's so much more alert now and seemed to love lying on the playmat beside her. They were even holding hands at one point but although I tried to get a photo of that, it didn't come out too well as they were constantly moving.

Unfortunately, later in the day I started feeling really ill again. I've got mastitis again and felt like death warmed up. However, Ethan was a wee star and slept for 3 hours in the afternoon which let me flop on the sofa.

Hubbie had to go into Edinburgh in the evening to pick up a breast pump he'd bought on Ebay and I decided to go along for the ride. As we weren't too far from where my sister lives, we made an impromptu visit to her too.

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