A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Marmalade Girl and the Very Old Bear

Once upon a time there was a Little Girl who loved to make marmalade with her mum

She made so much that people would get the faint perfume of orange blossom as she walked along the road.

One day she popped over to see her Granny and deliver her a jar of her newly made marmalade, which she had just finished potting up. After a lunch of marmalade sandwiches, she settled down on the sofa to hear the latest adventures of My Naughty Little Sister. They had just snuggled up when there was a bang from upstairs

"What's that?" said the Little Girl
"Oh nothing" said her Granny and carried on reading
A few minutes later there was a quiet knocking at the door.

"Hello, Hello - is there anybody here?"
The door slowly opened and there stood a little bear dressed in a red duffle coat, blue boots and a blue hat.
" I thought I could smell marmalade sandwiches all the way up in the attic and as I was sooooo hungry I had to investigate" said the bear

'We've lots and lots' said the Little Girl
"Come and have some - what's your name?"

'My name is Paddington - here look at this'

The bear showed the Little Girl a label tied to his duffle coat.
'you must be The Famous Paddington Bear!"
"Well I suppose I am! I'm so hungry - I've been living in your Granny's loft for a long long long time and I've had nothing to eat - would you have a spare marmalade sandwich or two?'
"Of course we have, lets go and make some"

The Little Girl and The Bear strolled into the kitchen hand in hand.

After a few minutes they returned and announced that as the Little Girl had a cupboard full of marmalade and The Bear had been in the loft for such a long that he would go to live in her house.

The Bear gave a loud burp!
"Excuse me!' he said
"too many sandwiches too quickly - always been a problem"

"Time to go' said Granny

So The Little Girl and The Bear put on their coats, hats and boots and set off home.....followed by the scent of oranges and marmalade.

...and they lived happily every after and ate lots and lots of marmalade sandwiches and never got sticky.

Bella came over today and found her mum's old Paddington Bear.

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