
By cabbagetree

The Sleeping Beauty

This is the part of the Torlesse Range that has been known as the Sleeping Beauty since the 19th century. It's not difficult to see her reclining, with her eyes closed. The Gap is under her chin. Is she a beauty? There's a wart on her chin. To complicate things there are some long-term residents living in a particular area who see an entirely different face. This is facing the other way, with The Gap as her mouth and the first lady's hair as the chin. She is not a beauty. It's a bit like Boring's wife and mother-in-law.

As for me, I choose to over-ride the human propensity to see faces in everything and just see the mountain. It annoys me if I look up suddenly and see a face.

Another hot sunny day. Those clouds are just fluff. But a late afternoon sou'west change brought the temperature down a bit.

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