Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A New Friend

I went to visit an old friend today and made a new one. I must have spent about 4 hours with this little guy draped around me. He's a royal python (I think) he's about two foot long now and will grow to four foot. I am totally in love. I know a lot of people would say a snake can't have a personality but this little guy sure did.

Seriously, seriously considering the possibility of getting one myself. There's no fur so there wouldn't be any allergy issues for people visiting, they don't need a very big enclosure and they will happily drape themselves around you while you work. I think we'll have to take a trip to the butterfly farm to meet an adult one and see if the love is still there.

Flickr isn't currently letting me upload my second favourite photo of him which caught his tongue out.

I've been slowly backblipping the last week. Beltane has really been eating my evenings lately.

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