As Days Pass Swiftly

By lilakae

Around the World in 80 Blips #9

This is to wet your appetite a little bit in anticipation of the double web cam blip I did with White and Dark this morning.

My daughter, K, joined me for this one. Isn't that a first: to have a second person purposely in the same shot? I know the double web cam shot is a first.
Yay Team A!!

What a hot, hot day to be standing nearly in the middle of the street smiling to people as they drove by giving us strange looks. Of course, that is all part of the fun of the whole thing.
After the "all done" sign was given by White via the cell phone K and I quickly walked to the shade of a nearby building and were approached by a few people asking what we were doing and why we were standing in the middle of the street. A couple of them were rather uneasy when I explained the location of the web cam. Hmmm.

Just a couple of bits of trivia about this location: I used to have an office in this building before the current owners bought it. By some coincidence, this business was part of the lead story in today's paper as they recently joined with two other realty companies in town.
AND, if you are folliwing my series of "Small Town America" shots, from where I am standing the court house is directly to my left. I am on the back side of the building in this shot.

White's blip and Dark's blip can now be seen.

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