Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Milo's milestones

Yeah, yeah, its another snake blip but I've been kind and spared you from a feed blip.

We've had a couple of milestones with Milo since we got him on Saturday. Yesterday I saw his first yawn and this evening he had his first feed with me. N and J came round for the feed so they could lend me their feeding tongs (forgot to ask about them when I bought him) and lend advice on feeding too. It actually went really well. I was nervous as the internet says they can be really fussy and not eat for weeks when they are in a new place. He took a minute to get interested but then struck, constricted and fed really well.

This photo was taken in the morning when I introduced him to his reflection. He was gently wrapped around my hand and then suddenly tensed up and tucked his head in. This shot was taken as he started to relax.

For those that are interested:

Cute non-feeding photos are here

Feeding pictures are here

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