
By elleelle

A Sad Day

A tragedy has occurred in this house. The decapitation of a dear friend happened in my own bedroom. I have no one but myself to blame.

Catherine and her family gave this to me for my birthday. This is a bobblehead of Dwight Shrute from the American version of The Office (he is the equivalent of Gareth in the original BBC version). He proudly stood/bobbled on my bedside table. I am not sure how it happened, but I think my excessive number of pillows and my tendency to move a lot in my sleep had something to do with it. One morning, pillow #3 of 6 was on the ground, and Dwight lay dead beneath. I tried to perform surgery, but his head is too heavy (the mark of a quality bobblehead).

I still have him. I am waiting to have a stroke of genius on how to save him.

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