All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Poorly Obi

As I mentioned in yesterdays blip, poor Obi was involved in an accident on Friday evening. We have been up to see him again today at the vets. He's still not at all well, but has improved slightly from yesterday. He's slightly more alert and his ears did prick up when he heard our voices. As you can see from this photo, his right eye is quite badly damaged and it's looking like he has lost the sight in that. The vets are hopeful though that he might regain good visibility in the left eye. They're not sure now though whether or not his jaw has been damaged but he's still not well enough for this to be x-rayed.

I just wanted to be able to pick my poor cat up and cuddle him but had to be content with stroking him and talking to him for the time being.

Ethan slept through the whole visit. He has been a wee star today so far and when he hasn't been sleeping, has lain in his pram quite happily chatting away to himself! I even managed to do a bit of ironing, woo hoo!

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