
By LadyFindhorn

There's a Hole in My Bo-at Dear Liza, dear Liza...

Both of us being somewhat nosey, His Lordship and I ventured down to North Berwick this morning to see what carnage had been wrought by yesterday's terrifying high spring tide.
The harbour area and boat yard looked surprisingly calm and orderly given the chaos we saw last night on television when the water crashed over the sea wall knocking the yachts all over the place.
The owners must have been up early to remove the damaged boats, as all that was left were discarded cradles, sand, seaweed and bits of broken rope.
The whole boatyard looked like it was part of the beach so covered in sand was it. As I remember, the floor of the yard is concrete, being the infilling of the late and very chilly outdoor swimming pool in which we hardy northern children, impervious to the cold, used to play and practice our swimming.

The sun shone on North Berwick today although the strong west wind made holding the camera still quite difficult.

Today is April the 1st. I said 'rabbits' yet again, but it will be the last time for 4 months.

It is also April Fools day. I had thought to post a trick blip to confuse people and then say * 'Hunty Gowk' when you were all taken in, but the right one didn't materialise. Anyway it shouldn't be attempted after 12 noon. I wonder where all that nonsense comes from.

I remember the late Richard Dimbleby spinning a marvellous tale many, many moons ago which involved a whole television programme about the growing of spaghetti in Italian fields.

April the 1st is also Magpie's Birthday and the 1st wedding anniversary of Mr& Mrs David77.
So many Happy Returns Magpie, and Congratulations on a wonderful year to David and Larissa.

*Hunty Gowk* is what we said as children to the unsuspecting target of our April Fool's Day trick .
His Lordship hailing from the bad lands of Dundee hasn't heard of this phrase, so it might be local to Edinburgh/ Leith.

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