Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Best friends

Kerr absolutely loves Fudge, and in the past few weeks we have really noticed him paying Fudge lots of attention. he is always looking to see where Fudge is, and trying to grab his fur with both hands for big hugs. It's v cute.

I'm not so sure the feeling is entirely mutual though - Fudge tries to keep out of Kerr's reach most of the time, apart from when food is involved. This is Fudge's favourite spot nowadays - parked right underneath the highchair waiting for the odd scrap to fall. And at the moment he gets a lot of scraps falling because Kerr isn't too good at holding on to his finger foods!

The easy one pot chicken went down a treat :-)
Cod and sweet potato on the menu for dinner - hope that is devoured too!

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