The Laws

By thelaws

Down came the rain...

Today is a good day. Today is special. Even the rain can't dampen today.

4 years ago today, all the waiting was over. We'd passed the adoption panel, we'd been matched and our children moved in.

It seems longer than 4 years that we have been together as a family - but in a good way. I can't remember what life was like before they came to live with us. In spite of the problems and heartache on the way, it is all worth it. The hard times just make the good times even more special.

I'm not sure my children will ever know just how important they are to me, or how much I love them. At 9 & 7 they aren't really into gushy monologues.

Tonight we are going out for a chinese to celebrate. Thats enough to make them smile, and thats enough for me.

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