If You Could See Me Now


"It's a mouse!"

If anyone has seen that ad... It's terrible, but funny at the same time.

Easter left-overs.

Feeling a bit "left-over" myself.

I'm trying to process how much I have to do... But can't seem to take myself past one day at a time...

It's cold and my brain hasn't defrosted all day.


Gonna snuggle up warm tomorrow with cardis and tights for my "photoshoot" ;)

It's gonna be pretty fun :)

If I just don't think about the mark.

IF I get caught up in the phototaking and have fun - then i'll be ok.

Thursday I'm catching up with a friend, it was ment to be for lunch, but I might change that to coffee, It's cheaper!

Friday have another shoot for class - fingers crossed the weather clears up though!

Backblips are on the way sometime in the next few days - i've already done a couple (Fridays is my favourite!)

Off to go breathe and watch Greys.

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