
By andyclicks


well today i got up quite lateand then after a lot of kerfuddle went busking. that's how i earn me livin' and its not half bad i reckon. wasn't too bad today got about £25 in just over an hour or so one problem

i forgot my liscence
i phoned mum she just said dont worry
so a policeman came
and he took my name and went of to make calls to seeif i was lieing when i said i had a liscence
he said he'd come back and if i'd been lieing that i had a liscence i'd be in serious trouble
so i carried on playing
half an hour later i was freezing, a lot of people had gone and i really needed a wee
he still hadn't come back
and i thought well if i go away then he'll think i ran away cause i 'dont have a liscence'
so i didn't want to go
but i really needed a wee so i just packed up and went
then i walked all round town looking for him
he must've gone
i reckon he found out i did have a liscence and didn't bother to come back and tell me it was okay
i was so annoyed

policemen eh'

this is just a quick photo, but it turned out okay. some daffies with the cathedral in the background. one shot this was, didn't even take more thats how brave i was. are you proud ?

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