Country File

By marypot

First tastes

We had some visitors this afternoon: Manual Transition, her Mum and two lovely little ones (who are not so little anymore - can't believe how much they have grown!). It was a lovely boost to what would otherwise have been a pretty slow day. Like most two year olds, Grace really admires bigger girls and boys, so she absolutely loved playing with K and C, and cried her eyes out when it was time for them to leave. It was funny listening to her showing them her toys and explaining things (and bossing them around at times!).

As I'm trying to avoid buying sweet treats, and we arranged the visit at quite short notice, there was nothing to serve with tea and - typically - I'd just used up all the eggs in a frittata at lunchtime, so coudn't make a cake. Instead, Grace and I made a batch of shortbread and melted down some of the left over Easter egg chocolate as a topping. Unfortunately, there was quite a bit left over, so I've pigged out rather this evening. Oops I did it again... ;))

Anyway, the pictures I took of the kids playing together all turned out a bit blurry and lopsided, so instead I'm posting a photo of a momentous occasion that took place this evening: Ophelia's first 'meal' in the highchair. She has been showing lots of interest in our food for a while now. She's also been waking up at night again (at least twice) and downing a lot of milk, plus needing extra feeds during the day of late, so today I decided to give Ophelia a taste of other foods. She had a little baby rice and some mashed banana. She lapped it up, so much so that when we stopped as we thought she'd had enough, she cried for more!

Check out this photo of Grace at 7 months, not long after she'd been weaned. Ophelia isn't five months old for another 9 days yet, but is about the same size as Grace was at almost twice her age, I think. Little wonder she's needing solid food already!

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