Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Grammie's Church

Just one block away from our beach hotel is my Grammie Teele's church, St. Michael's By the Sea. When I was a very young this old building was all there was to the church. When I was 10-years-old, they built a big modern new facility. They had enough foresight to move the old building to this new location very near the waves.

Earlier today we stopped at the church grounds so I could take photos. The outside of the building resembles an old country chapel. The sign announced that worship would be in the chapel this evening at 5:30. So the two of us went.

Entering that wooden chapel was like opening a book of good of memories . . . memories I had not visited in a long, long time. That chapel always contained the fragrance of fresh lit candles and the chiming of tiny bells.

This evening as I sat down on the wooden pew, I wondered if anyone noticed me shrinking to the size of an elementary school girl reaching for Grammie's gloved-hand. She often would pass me a notepad and pen or pencil to occupy my attention.

This evening my attention was captured . . . the dark wood walls, the narrow aisle, the short well-worn pews, the pointed windows with darkened glass, the standing, the sitting, the kneeling. I was solidly focused on the words of the pastor who spoke personally about the first time he remembered having an encounter with God. He connected his story to C.S. Lewis' experience which can be read in Surprised by Joy and the pastor also spoke about St. Paul's encounter with God.

When the celebration concluded we all followed the pastor out of the building. He greeted each person. He asked if we were visiting from out of town and I told him about my Grammie Teele and that there is a plaque to her memory in the main sanctuary on the wall behind the altar because she had been Altar Guild Directress from 1961-1976. Instantly he said, "Let's go see it!" He unlocked the big sanctuary, turned on the lights, and then walked behind the altar and there was the plaque. It was put there after she died in December '76 at the age of 91.

Today's experience increased my book of St. Michael's By th Sea memories. Today's blip page is to honor the memory of those memories.

We did other things as well today -- we visited the 100+ year-old-train station, the neighboring city of Oceanside, and the seashore just across the street from our hotel.

And as we stood at the water's edge watching the waves roll into foam, Mr. Fun handed me a beautiful yellow ice-plant blossom. We stuck it in the sand so I could capture the foam rolling right up to it. At that moment the foam of several waves combined and both of us were standing there in our flip-flops and long pants with sand and salt-water soaking us well above the ankles.

I had been so careful not to get wet. So I learned again today that if I stand near the water, I likely will get wet! ;-)

It's been a great 17th day of April. Tomorrow we head from home. That will be great too because I absolutely love going home. Good night from Carlsbad By the Sea -- a place with a treasure chest of memories.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Bob dog), aka Carol

P.S. Thanks for all the interesting and fun comments on yesterday's bubbly foam. I've had very little time to comment, but I will have time soon.

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