Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Welcome Gavin!


*Lunch out

*Pick up husband from church meeting

*Run over to the hospital and hold a sweet little bundle of joy...WELCOME GAVIN TYLER....a newest one to our family...born to niece Valene and her hubby Tyler. Weighing in at 7 lbs. 13 oz. 19 in. long. MANY MANY CONGRATS! He's absolutely beautiful!

*Run husband back to church for Youth Group

*Back home for a somewhat relaxing night (in between an over-tired 4-year old's outburts...but that's ok....we've run them ragged all weekend) Even my 11-year old shut his door to block out the outbursts.

*Welcomed middle son, Liam, back home from a sleepover at his best buddy's house. Best friends are are best friends mothers. :D Thanks Linda!

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