Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Hang on, that's not Milo!?

No, this isn't Milo. I went round this evening to a friend's house to help her make the wax hands she will be using to light the bonfire on Beltane night. She owns a little corn snake. Corn snakes amuse me, they seem like glorified worms when they're small. It also amuses me that they have round pupils that give them more of a "face", Milo ha slit pupils. She's twice as old as Milo, probably twice as long but only a third as wide. I have refrained from posting pictures of Milo feeding but as this one's dinner looks more like a piece of meat and less like a cute fluffy mouse, I thought it would be ok.

Had a lovely evening then came home to try and feed my own little bundle of joy. He was being grumpy and having none of it today. I even had to slit the head open in the end (they like the brain smell) and he still wouldn't take it. He'll just have to go hungry until the end of the week when I try again.

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