In Search of Puifin . . .

By Zman53

Purdy Woman . . .

Hollywood often depicts oil wells such as this one with a "nodding donkey" or pumpjack as representing the epitome of oil wealth.

In fact, a well that has one of these pump units is often in the last stages of its economic life and is producing at a very low rate.

The United States has more than 360,000 active oil wells with more than 300,000 of them like this one and each producing less than 15 barrels of oil per day (one barrel = 160 litres).

Geologists do have a sense of humour. This well is named Purdy Woman and its two nearby sisters bear similar names but you will have to go to ju4bluz's blip today for their names.

P.S. Please note ju4bluz in colour coordinated attire!

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