Group Camp 2010...
...every year, the whole group comes together in one camp; Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. This year we met at Auchengilan at the foot of the Campsie Fells for a weekend of fun and adventure.
I drove a mini-bus of mainly Cubs over from Leith this evening in strange conditions; warm, no wind and yet a constant drizzle or mizzle.....actually quite pleasant. As we neared the campsite, I noticed a lot of holiday huts around Blanefield. They are scattered everywhere and are very similar to Russian Datchas. I can imagine these places being sanctuary for Glasgow tenement and high rise dwellers.
Everyone stays up late on the first night; the kids have midnight feasts in their tents consisting of sweets and juice and the leaders have a few bottles of beer and the occasional whisky (of course a nominated driver is always sans alcohol in case of an accident requiring transport). The kids were finally quiet by 2am and we leaders turned-in at 3am.........unfortunately the Cubs were up at 5am, hyper and running about whooping and chattering. Little barstewards!!
p.s. The kids are extremely well fed and enjoy a reasonably balanced diet from our campcook Karen; however, the plastic white bread is popular for toast and we all need a treat eh?
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