Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

7months old

Well here we are 7months after my arrival,
I have found my feet, to eat, and stand,
Food is a great delight,
sounds are coming slowly,
everything a new potential toy,
New sounds, New sights,
Everything to be explored,
Just like my reflection in the mirror,
I looked at it sideways,
right way up,
almost upside down,
It had the lick test,
it passed the lick test,
I touched it,
it was a strange thing,
the baby doing everything I did,
after a while though it got boring,
this baby wouldnt come out to pla

Also today I had my first taste of Pizza, a very naughty treat for mummy & I
Which was so yummy
Along side eating most mummys salad,
followed by a very naughty mouthful of cake
Miss me mouth..never!
Then of course full tummy
Meant a very good kip
Mummy thinks we are a walking advert for minnie mouse
I don't care as long as I have my minnie!

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