Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Mother's Day at Funville

Got an early morning text from my daughter Dede. Wishing me a Happy Mother's Day and firming up the plans for an evening meal.

A little later morning text from our granddaughter, Desiree. She lives in Oklahoma with her little son Tristan.

Arrived home from church to find a card from our son.

We have now returned from an early evening meal with our daughter's family at Wahoo's Tacos. In the photo is our daughter, Dede (she prefers Deidre pronounced Dee-dra), son-in-law John, granddaughter, Ashly, and grandson Emerson. They gave me a lovely bouquet of roses (will blip those tomorrow), and a framed photo of me holding Ashly when she wasn't yet a year old (we were at the Newport Beach Channel watching the boats).

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Mother's Day is always a little strange or maybe I should say strained. When my mom died at 57, I knew that I'd miss her always, but I didn't realize how long always could be. Sometime after Mom's death I knew that I wanted her early leaving to have a positive impact on my life, and I think it has. I think I live my life with an urgency and a "knowing" that I might not have had . . . knowing that tomorrow is not a guarantee.

I want my life to honor Mom's and I think it has. I think I disappointed her so terribly when I got married at 15, even though once we got past that horrific moment, she never pointed back at it. I think she loved Mr. Fun more than she loved me, and she definitely loved the grandkids more ;-) She was always a forward looking person. If there is any page I have taken from her book, I hope it is that one. To look forward; to believe the best; to see the glass half full--no matter what. Mom, I miss you! Thanks for putting up with me.
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Well, here on the West Coast of America, I think we are just about to put Mother's Day 2010 in the history book. Thank you everyone, viewing and reading today's special blips has been meaningful.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

Quick edit: I almost forgot to mention that Mr. Fun took at least one of these photos! He's the best part of my Mother's Day! ;-)

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