
We arranged to meet friends at a restaurant in Johannesburg today, Haven't seen them for almost a year! We had such a lovely time.

Their son, Robin, is eleven years old, but such a well behaved 'little adult'! Quite shy, but blooms after a while! Him and R jnr chatted away as well! He was suitably impressed with this senior high school boy who took the time to socialise with him!! Too sweet! ;-)

After lunch they invited us to their home, which is a 'new' place to us, since we last visited them at home, in Rustenburg, before they moved to Johannesburg about two years ago. Very impressive, and in a very posh golf estate, but they are totally oblivious of the impression it makes! Lovely, humble, hardworking and very sucessful people!

We barely sat down, when Robin asked his dad if he could show us his snakes!!!!! R snr was keen, bit believe me, C&R jnr as well as moi, NOT SO KEEN!! Hehehehe!!

He brought them out, keeps them in his room in a glass tank! R snr touched them, R jnr just looked, C and I kept our distance! ;-)

Robin and R jnr went outside with them, a daily ritual, in order for them to get a bit of sun. C checked on them a while later, and discovered that R jnr has 'warmed up' a bit to the one, and is holding it! And of course, it had to be my blip for the day!!

I must admit, he never took his eyes off the snake, and never even smiled, he was quite tense!! But I found myself a wee bit more comfortable to go closer to get a good shot, since I knew they were not poisonous, but I will never dare go só close to a 'strange' snake, because I don?t trust them at all!! Phew!!!

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