Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Quietly whispering 'I told you so'

Hmmm. As soon as kerrsdaddy first suggested getting a bike and cycling to and from work each day, I told him it would end in disaster.

Just after 6pm, I received a phonecall from a man called Ross. He said he was with kerrsdaddy, who had fallen off his bike. To cut a long story short, I was directed over the phone by three very kind cyclists about how to find them on the cycle path. I quickly packed essentials - Kerr, milk, cuddly monkey, jammies, oh and my camera incase of interesting blips! (is that really bad?!). I dropped Kerr off at my mums, and made my way to the cycle path near Cambuslang where I found kerrsdaddy lying on the ground surrounded by his good samaritans. He was pretty sure that his collar bone was broken because he felt it crack as he hit the ground, and was shaking with pain. Ouch. He fell off his bike at a bit of temporary cycle path over the M74 roadworks, where apparently the ground surface is disgraceful and not suitable for bikes at all.

We got to A and E, where it was confirmed by xray. I nearly vomited when I saw the xray. Two clean breaks in collar bone, with several smashed bits in the space inbetween. We left with his arm in a sling, and a few boxes of painkillers. Got an appointment to return to the shoulder clinic next Tuesday. Apparently they wouldn't pin it together because it is not actually poking through the skin, but we've to see what they say next week at the clinic.

(My camera was out of battery when I tried to use it, so had to use the iphone after all).

Right, I'm away to get my dinner, then work out how to help kerrsdaddy get his tshirt off.

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