
By blipblog

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Right time to take a peek into the world of Blup (oops, pardon me) Blip assignment interpretation to find who among you have taken a stab at Assignment 11, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I refer you above to Blipfoto HQ personnel. Nice to know you're in good hands isn't it?

If anyone is remotely queasy then probably best to quickly scan poor Dublinshooter's text. Good to hear you're on the mend DS and thank you for sharing. Feeling in the mood? Archangel shows us The Joy of Carrots. Way ahead of their time. And check out this pear!

Now someone had a bad day at the office. Time for a new job perhaps?

The final word. If you're going out tonight make sure you eat something, lay off the cigarettes and avoid feeling like a turkey in the morning.

To all you Good, Bad and Ugliers we say thank you.

Now over to the next assignment. There's been a fair bit of discussion in some Blips of late about observing light. Plus some really lovely images to show for it. So with a change of season upon us and Summer slipping away faster than a Lilo in the wind, we thought 'Light and Shadow' would make an interesting assignment topic.

Do remember to tag your images 'assignment12' and do remember to have a fabulous weekend.

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