Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Still Saying "I do"

Early this evening we went to the old wooden chapel at St. Michael's by the Sea in Carlsbad. This was my Grammie Teele's church. I had attended there with her when I was a little girl. During April's spring break we had visited this old familiar site.

A few weeks ago Mr. Fun had phoned the parish pastor to ask if he would do the honors of leading us through the reciting of our vows on our anniversary.

Today the little chapel was filled people for the 5:30 evening service. Sixty-minutes later when the chapel had emptied, I put on my veil, the three of us stepped to the front of the chapel, Father Doran expressed some special thoughts about marriage, and then spoke the traditional vows . . . Mr. Fun said "I do" and then it was my turn to speak the same two words.

The photo was taken by a nice woman who asked us at the end of the evening service if she had missed something by arriving late -- she thought the evening worship service was at 6:30. We told what we were about to do and she asked if she could stay and watch. We were delighted. She was reluctant to take my camera, but I reassured her that if she'd just "click" numerous times that we'd most likely get a photo or two as keepsakes. And we did. This photo is not professional quality, but nonetheless, a capture of the moment, a memory recorded.

Forty-five years ago today, we stepped to the altar at a little wedding chapel. We didn't have a clue what we were committing to. My mother had adamantly expressed to me that we weren't old enough to be "in love." Mr. Fun was 19 and I was 15. Today what we know is that "puppy love is real to puppies."

After our vow renewal, the two of us went to an elegant restaurant, "Three Thirty-Three," just across from the Oceanside pier. We watched the sun fall into the sea and the pier light-up for the night. We ate entirely too much food; we spent too much money; and we had more than enough fun. We'd do it all again.

Now it is extremely late. He is sound asleep and soon I will be too.

Thanks for reading this far. It's been a spine-tingling week sharing this story with others on the past six pages as one-by-one the memories focused.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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