My life in blips

By Goretex

Bank Holiday Monday

Today was a lovely day.

Took off to North Berwick and had a picnic lunch on the beach, while watching a man fly his stunt kite. Fascinating.

We then walked and walked and walked the length of the beach heading towards, Yellow Craigs beach while Eubers threw the ball for MP again and again and again. She had a "ball" (pardon the pun) today. Although the sun shone all day, we were totally wind swept with the good old Scottish beach wind. Having been brought up in a Fife coastal town, you'd think I'd be used to that kind of weather. Had a coffee in Charlies to recover, followed by the obligatory cone.

On the way home, A'desk texted to say he was putting the BBQ on which was lovely.

And so to the end of the holiday week end...... but only three and a bit weeks till the summer holidays!

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