
By blipblog

Light and Shadow.

Greetings, blip-pickers.

Looking through this week's excellent crop of assignment submissions, one (pretentious) word springs to mind. Noirish.

The film noir entry on wikipedia describes the genre as "stylish... emphasising moral ambiguity..." - sounds like a pretty decent mantra to blip by!

We had tonnes of great stuff to pick from this week so please don't be offended if you're not represented in this quick roundup of some of the shots we liked. Drumroll, maestro...

Pania's moody interior
Bluesheep's breakwater
Wingpig's cold war spy thriller
TheSly1's family
Jim Happy Again's stairs
Tractor Factory's drop-in science
Barker's abandoned space
Amplify's light touch
Chaos' bridge
Bitblonde's castle
Sea Urchin's bonny daughter
Kiwidino's sunrise
Dublin Shooter's porthole
Surely You Can See's chains
Sixth Land's street scene
Rab's Ocean
Missing's church
Calico's hands

So thanks once again for all your blips noir and remember; you can't have a light without some dark to stick it in.

This week's new assignment is "Fragments".

The usual format applies - interpret the brief however you like but please tag your submissions with "assignment13". Ooh, spooky.

Blipfoto, bravely flying in the face of numerical superstition since year dot.

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