
By Jillybean

...And Learn To Fly

WHS Varsity Banquet
Had a pleasant time there tonight. Very long. But I won a MVP trophy for Spring Track, a certificate for 'playing' 4 sports senior year, a trophy for having 10 varsity letters, and a scholarship for the booster club! =]

This is Hedge. He's coached me for four years now. I can remember the first time I met him in ninth grade. He asked me if I was afraid of the high dive at the swimming hole. I don't remember what I responded but either way he had decided I would try hurdling. And try I did. Hedge taught me to fly. That was the first lesson. I learned to fly. I learned lead legs, trail legs, stretches, hurdle form, drills. I learned to hurdle under Hedges guidance. I made friends on his team.

From there on the lessons multiplied. I've learned the difference between an Irish mist and actual rain. I've learned to always wear extra clothing, to go to practice if I'm sick, to never bet against him on something that has to do with English or Track (two subjects he is an expert on). I've learned that technology and Hedge don't mix well. That his ears can be taken out. Poking people is annoying apparently. The workouts will pay off. I've listened to countless stories about athletes past or his kids. Never to whine. Don't breathe on the real athletes if you?re sick. Most of all I learned to love Hedge, as both a coach and a person my freshman year.

There is no one who once getting to know him doesn?t love him. With his clever catchphrases ('No whinding', 'Step into my office', 'Don't breathe on the real athletes' come to mind right now.), his intellectual knowledge of both the world of English and the world of Track and field, the 'curiously refreshing' mints he always has with him, and the way he coaches his athletes and works them it?s hard not to. Mr Hedge has been a vital part of my High School career. He is the sweetest most lovable man I know.

I've seen Hedge go above and beyond for the kids he coaches. He's moved cars to avoid them getting tickets, rubbed their calves, powdered their feet, carried their clothing, cheered and mentored them, fed them ice tea.

I think I could go on for pages about this man. I really do. But I'm getting far too emotional to do this. The past four years on his team have been amazing. There is no other coach who could have taken me from a sub-par 20 second hurdler to an All County 16 second one. No one else who could have taught me the immense amount of things I've walked away with. I know over the past few weeks I've talked a lot about the things I will miss and won't miss after High School but I haven't even touched upon the subject of Hedge. The memories I have of Spring Track practices and meets are irreplaceable. Nothing will ever compare to the impact this man has honestly had on my life. I'm going to miss Hedge immense amounts. I'm going to miss his antics and his curiously refreshing mints. Him asking me to 'Step into his office' or hand-hug high fiving me. Thank you Hedge. For everything from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

And now I need a tissue.

"I ammm tv err sproue of wyou hedge"
(Hedge sent this to me from Coach B's phone after I won my award tonight. It just bout sums it up. I believe it translates to: I am so very proud of you -hedge

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