I feel infinite.

By racheelz

Rummaging for Answers in the Pages

Still listening to that great 500 Days of Summer soundtrack in my car and I'm listening to "Us" by Regina Spektor right now. Why is she so amazing?

Not much happened to today again. School is full of free hours, movies, and parties. However, in GBE (biology-type class) I got to see the beating heart of a chicken embryo when we opened up the shell. It's amazing..to see life on such a small scale. You could see blood pumping through the barely visible heart into the tiny veins!

This photo has no reflection of my mood whatsoever. I'm currently very relaxed and listening to this lovely tune. I just wanted to play with lighting and what better place to go besides my unfinished basement! Took my trusty desk lamp from my room and went down into the deep unknown...

I must say it was quite unusual the way I took these pictures. Self timer doesn't work well with my 35mm, especially in low lighting, so I had to press the shutter release while bending down and holding the lamp behind my head haha. If someone walked in on me, it'd be an awkward moment.

After a number of shots, dirtying my feet black with the dusty floor, washing my feet in the laundry room sink, and editing this photo to make it black and white, it now has its place on blip.

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