
By dp

Day 12 - Salt Lake City (and Edith Bowman)

Ok - I cocked up. I thought I'd spend my 200th blip day here in Salt Lake City, and had even staked out '200th' Street to be my picture - whoops - I'm a day late. So my 200th was yesterday, today is 201, and it looks like no balloons for me...

Regardless, a frankly bizarre day today on our travels. Started early leaving our cabins at Grand Teton National Park - we'd had a lovely few days enjoying the peace and quiet there. Breakfast in Jackson Hole before continuing the long drive to Salt Lake City, eventually arriving around 3pm, depositing the car keys with the valet and glad not to see 'em for two days!

Now here is where things get weird. On the journey down we had the British band Editors playing in the car, to which I said to Mrs DP "I'd love to see them live one day...."

At 7pm we're sitting outside a restaurant at the Gateway Centre in downtown Salt Lake enjoying a nice salad and a beer (cocktail for the lady). Mrs DP exclaims: "that's Edith Bowman!" walking past (Radio 1 DJ in UK for overseas blippers) to which I reply "and that'll be the lead singer of Editors with her!" (an item, according to Heat). Continued our dinner speculating what they might be doing here, holiday, tour, festival etc.

Ambled back to the hotel, on the way in picking up the local 'What's On' Guide - "BL**DY HELL" - turns out the band are playing in a tiny venue just near where we'd had dinner. Quick taxi back there, $15 paid each, stood a few foot from the stage next to Ms Bowman, and watched a great gig. Weird, but marvellous.

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