Harlow Carr Gardens

Today was nice and sunny so we took a trip to Harlow Carr Gardens with Grandma and Grandad. I had a lovely time there. I really enjoyed running around and looking at all the flowers. This picture of me is in the limestone pavement garden. When I want to play with stones I tell Mum and Dad that I want to "play Makka Makka". There's plenty of opportunity to play Makka Makka at Grandma and Grandad's house because they have lots of gravel outside. After we'd finished walking round the gardens we had lunch in Betty's tearoom. There's a very good shop at Harlow Carr and we bought some more books (in the hope, vain in all likelihood, that I don't have to read the Gruffalo every single night). Mum, Dad and I then headed to Knaresborough and had a look around the castle.

Here are some more photos from today:

Say cheese!

Mmm, yummy!


I'll just have a rest on this ra-ra

Wildflower meadow

Smelling the flowers

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