Martial Eagle (Polemaetus Bellicosus)

Our friends, a block from us, on the same property, phoned me early this morning to tell me about this beauty, sitting vérrrrrry high (at least 7 mt or 23 ft) up in a tree close to the back gate! I rushed there before he could fly away, since it was the first time anyone of us saw him here! What a lucky day for me!!

He posed there, for a long time, whilst I sneeked up closer and closer, but then he flew away! I got some nice pics, but not really what I wanted!

I came home, downloaded, searched for it on the Internet, and then they phoned again: He was back! I ran there again and got much closer this time around, I got as close as about 80(eighty)mt from the tree! I wish I could show it with the tree, to give you an idea of the size of the bird, it is HUGE, but the tree is só gigantic, the bird would not show up so well if I didn't crop it!

I was só grateful for this young couple, thinking of me when they see something worthwhile!!

They are the owners of this lovely house, it is the third house they built on the estate, the first one belongs to us now, the second one was sold in Ocotber last year, and this one was completed about a month ago! They would love to sell it as well, but they moved into it in the meantime. I really hope they will be fortunate enough to sell it soon, so they can start building their fourth one!


Please read here for much better info on this lovely bird!

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