Happy Daze

By Dazed

Jet Lagged

Totally worth it though, first time in Hong Kong in 7 years. I'm here with my Mum (Toadally) who is working and I'm just freeloading - hooray!

We arrived this morning and managed to check into our hotel straight away - the shower after a long haul flight is always the best. We've had a yum lunch of salt and pepper pork and vegetable rice, changed money and mooched round some shops, had a nap, watched the light show from Kowloon Harbour, got the Star Ferry (above) across to HK island and back, had dinner in a Korean cafe with a couple of beers and it's now 11.30pm here.

Sooooo looking forward to climbing into a crisp, clean hotel bed. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

P.S. I'm using Mum's little netbook for this and although this photo looks pretty good to me I reckon it's probably a dog's dinner when a proper size. Hey ho :-)

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