All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cuddles from Lyla

Ethan & I met my friend Frances and her wee girl Lyla at Dobbies Garden Centre today for scones and tea. Yum! We meet there every so often and last time both our babies slept for much of the time in their pushchairs. What a difference a few months makes. Lyla didn't even have her pushchair in sight as she wanted to walk everywhere and Ethan was wide awake and wanting to play the whole time! As you can see, he even managed to get some cuddles from Lyla!

After that, Ethan & I went window shopping at The Fort for much of the afternoon. He was so well behaved and didn't even complain when I spent ages trying on clothes in one shop!

Popped in to see a neighbour when we got home to give her a pressie to thank her for feeding our cats when we were on holiday recently and Ethan got yet more cuddles from her. He has done well today!

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