Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks


Had a bit of a tidy up day today, first to be attacked was the garage.

When longershanks demolished his old bedroom we stored the wood at the back of the garage. When we had our bedroom installed I stored the off-cuts at the back of the garage, which meant that the back of the garage was a bit of a mess. So threw out all the bits of wood that I really didn't think would come in useful, perhaps half a dozen small broken bits, then rearranged the remainder by size down the side of the garage so that it no longer got in the way. You can never have enough wood - Can you? And you never know when it'll come in useful - Do you?

Next got the lawnmower out and cut the front and side. I'd recently repaired the grass bag and was pleased (surprised) that my sewing on of a rather large patch seemed to prove successful.

Finally out with the secateurs to attack the brambles. In among the brambles were some old decaying logs that I rooted out which is where I came across matey above. Thought it'd be a nice simple job to google it and give it its appropriate label, but no success and this is a bit worrying as rarer lizards are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - It is an offence to disturb these lizards in any way - Kill, harm or injure them - Cause damage to their habitat.

Hopefully rooting out the log it was living in and cutting down the brambles won't be classified as causing damage to their habitat - Will it? Do you think blipping is allowed under prisoner rights?

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