Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2010 Saturday -- They Look Like Us

This is our granddaughter Desiree and her little boy, our great-grandson, Tristan. They look like our side of the family . . . that thrills us. This photo was taken as we ate dinner with our daughter's family. I think my daughter (who is not in this photo) will love being a grandma. It is fun to watch her with Tristan, and Dede has always treated Desiree like a daughter.

Desiree is our son's daughter. Des is 21 and Tristan is 3. We are enjoying them immensely and we'll leave tomorrow for a week of family camp on Catalina Island. The two of them went with us last year and we had a great time. Last year after camp they moved to Oklahoma. We haven't seen them for 12 months, so we're trying to memorize every moment before they go back to the Midwest on July 20th. Tristan is so verbal and so fun to listen to. This evening at dinner, we ordered an appetizer tray of grilled vegetables. When it arrived Tristan proclaimed loudly, "That's disgusting!" We all busted out laughing.

I doubt that I will get to upload to Blipfoto this coming week because we will be at a remote spot on the island, but I am curious as to whether or not my iPhone will function. So tomorrow I'll know.

It's late. My suitcase is packed. I'm very tired, so I'm going to keep this short and get to bed. Thank YOU to all who have left a comment. This community is so encouraging.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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