
By AnnelieHberg

" I am not perfect but I am divine"

My poor hubby had to be model this morning. I NEED to learn how to use the light and how to focus and how to capture a feeling. Since I started blip, like 24 days ago (I think) I stopped use the automatic program in order to LEARN. I feel a hunger of learning and I think I will try to find me a photo course in the fall.

I asked him to think of me, to think about our life, our children and everything we share. As I clicked the button I felt my love for him grow and I had tears in my eyes. The moment we shared was a new moment, a magical moment of total connection as he looked straight into my soul.

His eyes speak to me. I read the signs of a deep love and I se him in his true colors. He is a strong protector, a wise man which beard is turning grey. A devoted father with a tenderness that is rare and I also see myself. 19 years he has been at my side and i cant find enough words to describe what i feel right now.

Edit: View in large is better..

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