This Is Not A Dream

By Breeanna


I guess this web could resemble my life right now, but I didn't think of it until after I took the picture.

The spider web is broken and will need to be rebuilt. I have some things in my life that I will be tearing down and starting new. I'm looking for a new job right now and have applied to several. I've been contemplating my career choice and at times have felt totally lost in discovery what I really want to do.

Another new thing in life: I have decided to be a volunteer horse caregiver at a ranch that offers horse assisted therapy for the military and their family. I've always wanted to be around horses, but I know nothing about them. This volunteer position allows for growth in the training, to where I could one day become a horse behaviorist.

I'm excited for new changes because I have not been very happy lately. I'm learning that my happiness depends on me and if I'm not happy, I need to take action.

I just found this quote, and it sounds like what I just said above :)

"Happiness depends upon ourselves."

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