Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Shed

Today the "real" Irish summer has returned with a double vengeance. Just stepping outside involves a rather convoluted regime of waterproofing just to survive. Now, where did I leave my snorkel?
This was shot just yards from the back door during a brief lull in the downpour. The poor old garden shed. We have had so much wind here lately that when I went into it the other day I discovered that the constant swaying of an overhanging tree branch had actually worn a hole right through. Put on two temporary patches made of plastic bags held down with ductape and of course they both blew off within hours. The local hardware man sold me a repair patch which he promised would stay in place. So far, after 3 or 4 days it has. Mind you the tree is looking a little sad and lopsided. I think I rather lopped off a bit more than I need have, such was my anger!!

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