Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Shadow Dancer

We went to see Greenway today, Agatha Christie's former home. The gardens are beautiful, little paths leading down shady walks. We stopped by a small pond to eat our packed lunch and this beautiful dragonfly was darting about, patrolling its territory.

'Photograph it mummy!' said H excitedly.

''s rather quick...I don't think I'll get a good shot.'

'You can photograph anything mummy. You're a brilliant photographer,' came the optimistic reply.

Oh well, I thought, nothing ventured...

So I ratcheted up the ISO and increased the aperture to get a fast shutter speed then switched to manual and watched his patrol route. He followed a pretty similar route on each circuit of the pond. I guessed at roughly where he'd fly by closest and focussed there. The first few times I fine-tuned my focus and then SNAP...I got him!

Henry is truly delighted and I've gone up one million percent in his estimation :-) I'm pretty chuffed too.

Henry says you should view it large and I'm not going to argue with my gorgeous boy :-))

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