My place for a few days, my sofa.

I wont be able to be here in a proper way for a few days. I have a intestine inflammation..It is a "pocket inflammation" if that make sense. i nearly had to stay on the hospital for intravenous treatment but luckily the blod test shown my sedimentation wasn't high enough. The pain is truly horrible and i can only lay down in my sofa. I have high fever which I am not use to, i never have is so rare but when i woke up this morning i felt TERRIBLE.

Tommy is away with Maximilian, he is doing a cat scan i think it is called..i was suppose to be with them.. :( He has probs with his spit glands and swells up like a hamster at times.

Well, i hope I wont loose you guys but I am going to need the rest and I HATE IT!

Of course Tommy phoned grandma 5.30 am this morning and she came in here and took maxi.. So we could go to Stockholm and "södersjukhuset".

Stay cool my friends


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