Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

It's looking a bit black over Bill's Mother's...

The title of this Blip may need some explanation.

It is a saying I grew up with. I assume it's Brummie / Black Country /West Midland thing. I think it's because the prevailing winds, and therefore the weather fronts, come from the direction of Stratford-on-Avon, Will Shakespeare's home town...hence if it looked 'Black over Bill's mother's...' we'd be getting rain later.

Many Brummies holiday in the Dartmouth / Torquay area, where we are...the area is full of them at this time of year and their warm accents and friendly humour make me nostalgic for my childhood.

Anyway, I thought this shot was typically British...the puddle, the imminent downpour and the sheer stoicism of the woman who was enjoying her holiday regardless. Sadly I have no idea if she was from Birmingham as I was too shy to ask...but I like to think she's what we'd do.

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