Life with K.C.


Hello from us!

Wow this is a bit wierd for me. I thought 'Right where are the Playmobil familyto put on the picture?' and then thought, no, no, no. No more Playmobil means no more Playmobil. So this is us. Blue Twin, Big Daughter & Pink Twin with Mr KC, Rosie & myself. As everyone has sunglasses on & they are anonymous I'm going to keep this blip up. Do you like our Playmobil hands? Couldn't resist.

Yesterday Willis suggested that I repeated all of last year's Blips but with my real family. Clever idea. I pointed out having a 5 year old hanging off a bungee rope wasn't a good idea. My Blip was safe however. I was very tempted to wrap toilet paper around us (as per this time last year).

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. It seems a lot of you enjoyed my Playmobil journal, which was so lovely to hear. I'm worried I have a lot to live up to now..... We're away tomorrow for 2 weeks so apologies for no thank you messages.

Now to carry on packing (must remember not to pack little people).....

Oooh loving the last year picture in the corner

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