A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Spoiled for choice

Or just spoiled. After a spendid dinner and a relatively sensible bedtime woke up feeling very refreshed this morning. After a truly splendid breakfast (that I daren't tell you about as it will sound so poncy) we headed off to a PYO. Handily it also had a play area and provided lunch.

Afternoon beach trip provided many blipportunities with sandcastle competitions, speedboats pulling comedy inflatables and 3/4 children ending up swimming in the sea fully clothed. However, arriving back at the house the bright colours of the morning's harvest won out.

Kids have been de-sanded and are playing very happily, I'm lying on the sofa, A has appointed herself my fruit waitress and I've had a sneaky peek in the fridge at tonight's dinner. Spoiled, for sure.

Happy weekend
Lesley x

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