
Walked Juno over 2 Edinburgh hills on the way to the allotment and picking up Just sitting and his girls.

Great morning spent with the wee people of Just Sitting at the allotment. They picked berries, swept the paths, dug up tatties and pulled rhubarb.

We went round all the bushes and tasted the following jostaberrires, logan berries, Tummel berries, raspberries, strawberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants, gooseberries and tayberries.

Just Sitting and I picked gooseberries and blackcurrants, I have a bumper harvest this year.

Eco mum came to pick me up and all the produce. Just sitting family set off on their bikes with produce, thanks for the company and the entertainmant Sitting Family.

Back home I started processing the broad beans and freezing them, after 3 hours I could not face top and tailing this lot. This is just of 1 bush, I have another 3 bushes to strip which are not as laden thanks goodness but have plenty berries.

I am planning to pick the rest and top and tail, I maybe insane at the end.

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